Saturday, February 1, 2014

White Toenails!

I came across this little beauty of a picture and thought it deserved a try.  I love love love white toenails.  I had mine done white one summer when we lived in Chicago, and that whole summer I spent sunbathing next to the wave pool at Six Flags, and my legs and feet have never looked more tan.  I swear it was the white toenails in contrast to my sort-of tannish legs.

Anyway, this lovely picture makes you think you'll get these perfect white toenails, when in fact it links to this blog, and the toenails are clearly painted white.  Browse around her blog, it has some really cute stuff on it!  I'll try it out anyway, just to see what happens.

Here are my toenails before.  Unpainted for months now, don't judge me, but they were a perfect blank canvas.

So it says to start with a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.  I used 2 tsp of each, and it is a runny paste, but it's a good consistency, I think.
Then you're supposed to scrub it onto your toenails for a few minutes with an old toothbrush.
I scrubbed.
It got a little messy here.  This solution reminds me of cornstarch and water, that kind of not-quite-liquid, not-quite-solid situation going on.  I scrubbed it for a few minutes, then it says to soak for 5-10 minutes in the solution.

I soaked for 10 minutes, I timed it.  My foot was freezing, btw.
I rinsed, per the instructions, and this is what came out:

They look exactly the same.  Well, in the after picture, I obviously have a hair of some sort on my toe, I apologize for that, but in a house with 3 dogs and 2 cats, that will happen.

So to sum it all up,

Is it worth the mess?  Really there is very little mess, unless your 14 year old decides she wants to try this on her fingernails, and then proceeds to cover the bathroom in that sticky mess.  But for me, there was no mess.

Is it worth the money?  I had both baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on hand, as I'm sure many of you do as well, so it cost me a few cents at the most.

Does it work?  Nope.  No 2 ways about it.  Your toes will NOT look like the ones in the picture on Pinterest.  Unless you break out the white paint, then of course it will.

1 comment:

  1. OK that's hilarious. I cant imagine that working although I was secretly hoping it would!
