Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hairless Wonder

I received this tip from my lovely former "assistant" Kari.  She knows how much I hate body hair, and with my plethora of coffee grounds, she knew this was right up my alley!

The Pin says to mix 2 Tbs of coffee grounds with 1 tsp of baking soda and rub on the skin each day for 1 week, and your hair will be gone.

People, I had to grow out my arm hairs just for this test.  I don't think you realize how much of a sacrifice that is for me.  But this is all in the name of science, so I did it.

So I gathered my supplies
And mixed them together.  I made a double batch, just in case this works.  So that is 4 Tbs of coffee grounds and 2 tsp of baking soda. 
Now, there are no directions about how to apply this mixture, but in the picture it looks like it has some water added, so I tried doing it just dry and rubbing it on, and then using a different spot with a dab of water and massaging it in.  Here is the before:
You can see there are a lot of hairs there.  Gross. 

And here it is after the first applications.  I will see what happens both with and without water, in case there is a difference.  

Stay tuned for updates as the week goes on.

Update Day 2:  I reapplied the mixture to the same spots and massaged it in for a few minutes.  No remarkable hair removal has happened yet.  We'll see....

Update Day 6:  I have been applying the mixture every day, and well, there is no difference.  Don't bother trying this, it just plain doesn't work.  Now I'm off the shave this arm, it's driving me crazy!

Is it worth the money?  Sure, if you have the stuff around like I did.

Does it work?   Nope.  Not one hair was removed over the course of a week.

Would I recommend it?  Nope, don't bother.  


  1. I can't wait to see if this really works. :)

  2. I'm excited to see the outcome of this as well! Love this blog Kel!

  3. Hair was there but I bet you had really smooth skin!
